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Data Engineer - Data Science Engineer
The Data Engineer is a profile dedicated to the processing of massive quantities of data. Their role, among other things, is to value all of the company's data in order to turn it into an advantage of value creation for the latter (predictive models, etc.).... |
The skills to be acquired were envisaged and designed to allow the student to integrate into the professional world, while meeting needs in training in terms of interactivity, know-how and skills..... |
The multidisciplinary training acquired at the INPT, focuses on learning innovation and creativity and provides graduates with intellectual assets and adaptive capacities that allow them to land different jobs. ... |
The training is organized in three semesters (S1, S2, S3) allowing to provide all engineering students of the program with a solid background in scientific and technical tools. At the end of the two semesters S4 and S5,. .... |
Department coordinator :
Mr Amine BAINA
Tél : +212 538 00 28 47