Access to doctoral training:
According to the places available, CEDOC 2TI announces on its website the call for applicationsfor candidates wishing to apply for CEDOC 2TI in order to carry out doctoral research within a research team.
Terms of Access:
Qualifications required:
Access to doctoral training in Telecoms and Information Technology (2TI) is open to holders of a Master or a specialized Master or a state engineer diploma or a recognized degree equivalent to the aforementioned ones in fields related to the themes and research axes of doctoral training and satisfying the prerequisites and admission criteria in the following sections:
Scientific and pedagogical prerequisites
The prerequisites depend on the thematic and research axes of the research laboratory. They are set by apedagogical team for each theme and research axis of the laboratory.
Application procedures:
1. Online registration on the site www.inpt.ac.ma as of the date of the call for applications’ launch.
2. Submission of application files at the INPT during the dates specified on the call for applications.
Selection procedures:
Admission to doctoral training in Telecoms and Information Technology is subjected to selection which is under the responsibility of the CEDOC-2TI council.
Admission includes two phases: a file-based pre-selection and an interview with the selected candidates.
File study:
The examination of the application file is based on the results of the university curriculum. It takes into account other criteria:
- The candidate's profile;
- The distinctionsobtained during their training;
- The candidate's experience in terms of research.
The announcement of candidate files’ submission for doctoral registrations is published every year (between September and October) on the INPT website (www.inpt.ac.ma). A deadline for submitting files is set by CEDOC-2TI. The application files are centralized and processed by CEDOC-2TI.
File content:
The application files must include the following documents:
- The online registration validation receipt;
- Copies of diplomas and certificates (including the baccalaureate);
- Copies of transcripts obtained during the two years of the Master, Specialized Master and DESA or the three years of the engineering cycle (candidates who have directly integrated the second year of the engineering cycle must deposit the transcripts of the last year of the access diploma to the engineering cycle);
- Copy of the CIN;
- Curriculum vitae;
- A large envelope (which may contain the file) with the name and address of the candidate as well as stamps which cover the weight of the whole file.
- Upgrading courses will be provided in doctoral training at INPT. However, students with a very low basic level will have to complete their training by their own means in order to reach the level required for their thesis defense.
- A copy of the Master’s end-of-study project, of the engineering diploma or equivalent can be requested for further documentation before the date of the interviews.
Applicants selected on their files are convened to a scientific interview on the INPT website.
The interview takes into account the candidate's communication skills, motivation and knowledge in the chosen thesis theme. Particular attention will be given to the availability of the candidate to carry out the thesis work.

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